Pop in to see us
We’re a couple-run general store with a simple aim — to bring foods harvested from the countryside to the city and into your kitchen.
We know the farm to table food chain is broken but we’re slowly and surely repairing it for our community.
With local local local high quality foods (yes, saying it three times gives it more oomph!). We like to call these countryman Power Farmers, by the way. Here’s why. With their hearts, they put their powerful and positive energy into healing the land they sow that industrialized farming didn’t do, for far too long. Dedicating their lives to bring Mother Earth back to it’s glory and glow with gusto. Producing whole foods so our spirits, bodies and minds flourish from their good deeds. This is why we opened our shop, so we can thrive together.
But there’s someone we must introduce you to before you pop in. Aric from Earth Haven Farms. When you visit, we’ll tell you about his approach to biodynamic farming. Plus, his Scottish Highland Cattle premium beef that fill are freezers. (It’s in high demand, available only certain times of the year). Also, the food and wares his farm produces that fill our shelves — see you soon!
Easy Health Food Store Team